Search Options Panel Not Displaying —166734 |
Search by MLS, then switch to Radio Button Property Criteria - form doesn't display correctly. If you start with Criteria and then click MLS: If you start with MLS and then click Criteria: MLS not working from dev. use this to go direct In dspPropertyCriteriaPP.cfm - initializeSearchConstraint function builds an array of child nodes. I added <div> to contain the radio buttons. Maybe if I change that to a table, it will revert to the original functionality. Page: var LISTING_COLLECTION_CONSTRAINT_NODE = "searchFormPropertyConstraint"; The buttons are now the 0 child? FIX: run the initializeSearchConstraint function when the page first loads so that the LISTING_COLLECTION_CONSTRAINT_CACHE has content to pull from. Why did this break? |
/Views/vListing/dspPropertyCriteriaPP.cfmxxx |
(ci: 3/10/11, rev 13558) |
Other bug: = #attributes.mapCenterLatitude#; in MLS view, mapCenterLatitude and mapCenterLongitude are not being set, resulting in a javascript error: = ; in /Views/vGeography/dspInteractiveMapControlRegion.cfm, setting values for and or ignoring the sets if "" brings the city/state/zip form elements back to the right. <cfif attributes.mapCenterLatitude EQ ""> |
Help Text for Add Media in Photo Gallery — 165608 |
Related to bug 164219 - YouTube videos don't embed anymore. |
/Views/vUtility/dspManagePhoto.cfmxxx |
(ci:3/9/11, rev 13557) Added help text and image: Note: YouTube has updated their default embed code to deal with browsers that don't support Flash. Â For this form, please make sure you have checked the "Use old embed code" checkbox on the YouTube page to copy the old format. |
Mortgage Calculator: Hide - FHA in BAWS/PAWS — 165729 |
/Views/vListing/dspPAMortgageRates.cfm /Views/vListing/dspSmallMortgageRates Premium Agent Basic Agent |
Put CF comment <!--- ---> around FHA row. (ci: 3/9/11, rev 13556) |
Identify Public Error in Gmail Error Account — 166402 |
Add reference number to e-mail body and to URL of public error page so that the URL # can be found in Gmail |
CustomTags/error.cfmxxx |
(ci: 3/2/11, rev 13540) Added <cfset attributes.errorreferencenumber="#CreateUUID()#"> to top of code Added ##attributes.errorreferencenumber# to <cfset attributes.errorPageURL = ""> and <cfset attributes.errorPageURL = ""> Added #attributes.errorreferencenumber# to e-mail body |
Too Small Photos — 142209 |
Files checked in by Robert |
AVM Text Changes — 168041 |
Change Headline, Matrix column headers, Disclaimer |
/Views/vListing/dspListingDetailPublicUpdated.cfmxxx |
(ci: 3/7/11, rev 13552) (ci: 3/8/11, rev 13554) |
Share Widget — 163046 |
The share widget added to these pages will be the same one that is currently on the blog. |
Inactive ListingID — 165739 |
If this page is browsed to via another means, say for example, a bookmark, or a link in an e-mail, and the listing has been removed from the database, either through the property being sold, or whatever reason, the user gets an error page. What was expected: The user should be directed to a page saying, "The property you searched for is no longer available" |
/errorPage.cfmxxx |
Paramed the message (ci: 3/2/11, rev 13540) <cfparam name="varables.message" default="The page you requested could not be found."> message="#attributes.message#" |
/Query/sel/selPub_View.cfmxxx |
(ci: 3/2/11, rev 13540) (ci: 3/9/11, rev 13555) |
/Controllers/Listing/fbx_Switch.cfmxxx |
(ci: 3/2/11, rev 13540) <cfcase value="error"> <cfinclude template="../../errorPage.cfm"> </cfcase> |
Sold Data Address search — 164835 |
Searching for a specific house number does work, but searching for a specific street does not. Joe will research new code to handle a search similar to SQL "Like" so that "Main" can be found in "123 Main street". |
/xxx |
Office Finder - Maple Valley — 163317 |
The link to the Maple Valley office links to Windermere Services Company instead of the Maple Valley roster. The link for Maple Valley goes to: Maple Valley Office ID: 5167 Windermere Services Company ID: 167 The page is being built incorrectly. It pulls office name and street address from Office ID 167's details, while pulling up the roster list of agents from 5167's details. The code that catches the WSC exception may be catching this due to a typo on the office ID number |
/Views/vAgentOffice/dspOfficeDetail.cfmShows Main office if 167 otherwize office by id |
(ci: 3/3/11 rev 13551) Changed ListContains to ListFind(attributes.officeID, "167") |
Spokane Valley search — 167270 |
When searching in Spokane Valley, WA you get a map that shows the spokane area and nothing in the Spokane Valley boundary. The search city says Spokane. Change that to Spokane Valley and you get more lisings. Turn off the boundary and you get all listings. Similar to our Mount Vernon issues and Bouse. |
/js/map/locationGateway.jsxxx |
(ci: 3/1/11, rev 13536) if( == "Spokane Valley, Spokane, WA, USA") { = "Spokane Valley"; } |
North End Boise search — 166218 |
/js/map/locationGateway.jsxxx |
Fix for item 2 - added Boise and Tacoma to remove "hood" addition in those markets. (ci: 3/1/11, rev 13536) || ( fix.neighborhood.toLowerCase().indexOf("north end") != -1 && != "Boise" && != "Tacoma" ) |
Kailua-Kona search — 164347 |
Client/Agent uses "Kailua-Kona" as their search term on the front page. The search is performed on those with a city of "Kailua-Kona" and are filtered for the specific spelling of the city. This results in only 3 listings that have that specific spelling as the '-' character qualifies it for a different spelling. Removing the '-' character flips you from the 3 result set to the 556 result set. |
/js/map/locationGateway.jsxxx |
(ci: 3/1/11, rev 13536) if( == "Kailua-Kona") { = "Kailua Kona,Kailua-Kona"; } |
/Controllers/Listing/fbx_Switch.cfmxxx |
(ci: 3/1/11, rev 13537) case SearchPropertyMapV3 <cfset attributes.city1 = "#listGetAt( attributes.cit, 1 )#"> changed to <cfset attributes.city1 = "#attributes.cit#"> |
Beacon Hill search — 159428 |
When a user searched for Beacon Hill, Seattle WA the search returns no results. I am suspicious that the reason for this is that the parser returns something other than Beacon Hill. |
/js/map/locationGateway.jsxxx |
(ci: 3/1/11, rev 13536) if(fix.neighborhood == "Mid-Beacon Hill") { fix.neighborhood = "Beacon Hill"; } |
Comparable Solds Text — 168090 |
(ci: 3/8/11, rev 13553) Changed Search Nearby Comparable Solds" to "Search Nearby Sold Homes" on both the Active Detail page and the Sold Detail page. |